Our Doctrine

Victory Valley Camp is a Department of the Bible Fellowship Church and is in full agreement with all denominational doctrine and expectations for Biblical Living. See below for our basic Doctrinal Statement as it applies to camp.

Victory Valley Camp Doctrinal Statement

  1. We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testament, to be the inspired, infallible Word of God, the divine revelation of God, the supreme and final authority of faith and conduct.
  1. We believe there are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the same in substance, eternally equal in power and glory.
  1. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His sinless life, in His vicarious and atoning death on the cross through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal physical return in power and glory.
  1. We believe that salvation is offered to all men and is received by grace through faith and the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit, apart from works of human merit. Salvation centers in a person, Jesus Christ, and receiving Him includes the remission of sins on the grounds of His shed blood, the imputation of His righteousness, the reception of the Holy Spirit and the impartation of eternal life.
  1. We believe that sin, any lack of conformity to the will of God or transgression of the law of God, separates man from God, incurring His wrath and judgment.
  1. We believe the bodily resurrection of Christ is the basis for the resurrection of man. Believers will at the resurrection receive spiritual and immortal bodies like unto Christ’s own glorious body.
  1. We believe the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the personal visible, bodily return of our Lord to this earth to conform believers to His image and to establish the millennial kingdom.
  1. We believe that God created the human race into two complementary sexes (“male and female”) and determines each person’s sex/gender at conception. This distinction of male and female is the first fact mentioned in connection with mankind being made in the image of God. (BFC BPL 103-3.2)
  1. We believe that the family was divinely ordained by God at creation and is basic in God’s dealings with man. God’s revealed pattern for the family is the marriage of one man and one woman and includes their children and others who may reside with them. Each marriage establishes a new family.  (BFC BPL 103-4.1)

Facility Use

Individuals will share overnight accommodations with others of their same gender.  The only defined exception of this rule is for a family that may share overnight accommodations together.

Bathroom and Other Single-Sex Facilities Use

Individuals will use provided bathroom and changing facilities as specified for their gender.

Guest Rooming and Overnight Accommodations

Neither non-married couples, nor same gendered couples, may share overnight accommodations.